//! Experiment with converting [Micromod](https://github.com/martincameron/micromod) with
//! [c2rust](https://c2rust.com/).
//! Safetyfication done manually
mod consts;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
struct Channel {
note: Note,
period: u16,
porta_period: u16,
sample_offset: usize,
sample_idx: usize,
step: usize,
volume: u8,
panning: u8,
fine_tune: u8,
ampl: u8,
mute: u8,
id: u8,
instrument: u8,
assigned: u8,
porta_speed: u8,
pl_row: u8,
fx_count: u8,
vibrato_type: u8,
vibrato_phase: u8,
vibrato_speed: u8,
vibrato_depth: u8,
tremolo_type: u8,
tremolo_phase: u8,
tremolo_speed: u8,
tremolo_depth: u8,
tremolo_add: i8,
vibrato_add: i8,
arpeggio_add: i8,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
struct Note {
key: u16,
instrument: u8,
effect: u8,
param: u8,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Instrument<'src> {
volume: u8,
fine_tune: u8,
loop_start: usize,
loop_length: usize,
sample_data: &'src [i8],
impl Instrument<'_> {
fn dummy() -> Self {
Self {
volume: 0,
fine_tune: 0,
loop_start: 0,
loop_length: 0,
sample_data: &[],
/// Immutable source data of the module
struct ModSrc<'src> {
instruments: Vec<Instrument<'src>>,
module_data: &'src [i8],
pattern_data: &'src [u8],
sequence: &'src [u8],
num_patterns: isize,
num_channels: isize,
song_length: isize,
struct PlaybackState {
gain: isize,
c2_rate: isize,
tick_len: isize,
tick_offset: isize,
pattern: isize,
break_pattern: isize,
row: isize,
next_row: isize,
tick: isize,
speed: isize,
pl_count: isize,
pl_channel: isize,
random_seed: isize,
/// A micromod decoding instance thingy.
pub struct MmC2r<'src> {
sample_rate: isize,
channels: [Channel; 16],
src: ModSrc<'src>,
playback: PlaybackState,
fn calculate_num_patterns(module_header: &[i8]) -> isize {
let mut num_patterns_0;
let mut order_entry;
let mut pattern_0;
num_patterns_0 = 0;
pattern_0 = 0;
while pattern_0 < 128 {
order_entry = (module_header[(952 + pattern_0) as usize] as i32 & 0x7f_i32) as isize;
if order_entry >= num_patterns_0 {
num_patterns_0 = order_entry + 1;
pattern_0 += 1;
fn calculate_num_channels(module_header: &[i8]) -> Option<isize> {
const MAX_CHANNELS: isize = 16;
let numchan: isize = match ((module_header[1082] as isize) << 8) | module_header[1083] as isize {
// M.K. M!K! N.T. FLT4
0x4b2e | 0x4b21 | 0x542e | 0x5434 => 4,
// xCHN
0x484e => (module_header[1080] - 48) as isize,
// xxCH
0x4348 => (((module_header[1080] - 48) * 10) + (module_header[1081] - 48)) as isize,
// Not recognised.
_ => 0,
if numchan > MAX_CHANNELS {
} else {
fn unsigned_short_big_endian(buf: &[i8], offset: isize) -> isize {
((buf[offset as usize] as i32 & 0xff_i32) << 8 | buf[(offset + 1) as usize] as i32 & 0xff_i32)
as isize
fn set_tempo(tempo: isize, tick_len: &mut isize, sample_rate: isize) {
*tick_len = ((sample_rate << 1) + (sample_rate >> 1)) / tempo;
fn update_frequency(chan: &mut Channel, sample_rate: isize, gain: &mut isize, c2_rate: &mut isize) {
let mut period;
let mut volume;
period = (chan.period as i32 + chan.vibrato_add as i32) as isize;
period = (period * consts::ARP_TUNING[chan.arpeggio_add as usize] as isize) >> 11;
period = (period >> 1) + (period & 1);
if period < 14 {
period = 6848;
let freq = (*c2_rate * 428 / period) as usize;
chan.step = (freq << 14).wrapping_div(sample_rate as usize);
volume = (chan.volume as i32 + chan.tremolo_add as i32) as isize;
volume = volume.clamp(0, 64);
chan.ampl = ((volume * *gain) >> 5) as u8;
fn tone_portamento(chan: &mut Channel) {
let mut source;
source = chan.period as isize;
let dest = chan.porta_period as isize;
match source.cmp(&dest) {
Ordering::Less => {
source += chan.porta_speed as isize;
if source > dest {
source = dest;
Ordering::Equal => { /* Do absolutely nothing */ }
Ordering::Greater => {
source -= chan.porta_speed as isize;
if source < dest {
source = dest;
chan.period = source as u16;
fn volume_slide(chan: &mut Channel, param: isize) {
let mut volume;
volume = chan.volume as isize + (param >> 4) - (param & 0xf);
volume = volume.clamp(0, 64);
chan.volume = volume as u8;
fn waveform(phase: isize, type_0: isize, random_seed: &mut isize) -> isize {
let mut amplitude: isize = 0;
match type_0 & 0x3 {
0 => {
amplitude = consts::SINE_TABLE[(phase & 0x1f) as usize] as isize;
if phase & 0x20 > 0 {
amplitude = -amplitude;
1 => {
amplitude = 255 - (((phase + 0x20) & 0x3f) << 3);
2 => {
amplitude = 255 - ((phase & 0x20) << 4);
3 => {
amplitude = (*random_seed >> 20) - 255;
*random_seed = (*random_seed * 65 + 17) & 0x1fffffff;
_ => {}
fn vibrato(chan: &mut Channel, random_seed: &mut isize) {
chan.vibrato_add = ((waveform(
chan.vibrato_phase as isize,
chan.vibrato_type as isize,
) * chan.vibrato_depth as isize)
>> 7) as i8;
fn tremolo(chan: &mut Channel, random_seed: &mut isize) {
chan.tremolo_add = ((waveform(
chan.tremolo_phase as isize,
chan.tremolo_type as isize,
) * chan.tremolo_depth as isize)
>> 6) as i8;
fn trigger(channel: &mut Channel, instruments: &[Instrument]) {
let period;
let ins = channel.note.instrument as isize;
if ins > 0 && ins < 32 {
channel.assigned = ins as u8;
channel.sample_offset = 0;
channel.fine_tune = instruments[ins as usize].fine_tune;
channel.volume = instruments[ins as usize].volume;
if instruments[ins as usize].loop_length > 0 && channel.instrument as i32 > 0 {
channel.instrument = ins as u8;
if channel.note.effect as i32 == 0x9_i32 {
channel.sample_offset = ((channel.note.param as i32 & 0xff_i32) << 8) as usize;
} else if channel.note.effect as i32 == 0x15_i32 {
channel.fine_tune = channel.note.param;
if channel.note.key as i32 > 0 {
period = ((channel.note.key as i32
* consts::FINE_TUNING[(channel.fine_tune as i32 & 0xf_i32) as usize] as i32)
>> 11) as isize;
channel.porta_period = ((period >> 1) + (period & 1)) as u16;
if channel.note.effect as i32 != 0x3_i32 && channel.note.effect as i32 != 0x5_i32 {
channel.instrument = channel.assigned;
channel.period = channel.porta_period;
channel.sample_idx = channel.sample_offset << 14;
if (channel.vibrato_type as i32) < 4 {
channel.vibrato_phase = 0;
if (channel.tremolo_type as i32) < 4 {
channel.tremolo_phase = 0;
fn channel_row(chan: &mut Channel, sample_rate: isize, src: &ModSrc, playback: &mut PlaybackState) {
let volume;
let period;
let effect = chan.note.effect as isize;
let param = chan.note.param as isize;
let fresh0 = &mut chan.fx_count;
*fresh0 = 0;
let fresh1 = &mut chan.arpeggio_add;
*fresh1 = *fresh0 as i8;
let fresh2 = &mut chan.tremolo_add;
*fresh2 = *fresh1;
chan.vibrato_add = *fresh2;
if !(effect == 0x1d && param > 0) {
trigger(chan, &src.instruments);
match effect {
3 => {
if param > 0 {
chan.porta_speed = param as u8;
4 => {
if param & 0xf0 > 0 {
chan.vibrato_speed = (param >> 4) as u8;
if param & 0xf > 0 {
chan.vibrato_depth = (param & 0xf) as u8;
vibrato(chan, &mut playback.random_seed);
6 => {
vibrato(chan, &mut playback.random_seed);
7 => {
if param & 0xf0 > 0 {
chan.tremolo_speed = (param >> 4) as u8;
if param & 0xf > 0 {
chan.tremolo_depth = (param & 0xf) as u8;
tremolo(chan, &mut playback.random_seed);
8 => {
if src.num_channels != 4 {
chan.panning = (if param < 128 { param } else { 127 }) as u8;
11 => {
if playback.pl_count < 0 {
playback.break_pattern = param;
playback.next_row = 0;
12 => {
chan.volume = (if param > 64 { 64 } else { param }) as u8;
13 => {
if playback.pl_count < 0 {
if playback.break_pattern < 0 {
playback.break_pattern = playback.pattern + 1;
playback.next_row = (param >> 4) * 10 + (param & 0xf);
if playback.next_row >= 64 {
playback.next_row = 0;
15 => {
if param > 0 {
if param < 32 {
playback.speed = param;
playback.tick = playback.speed;
} else {
set_tempo(param, &mut playback.tick_len, sample_rate);
17 => {
period = chan.period as isize - param;
chan.period = (if period < 0 { 0 } else { period }) as u16;
18 => {
period = chan.period as isize + param;
chan.period = (if period > 65535 { 65535 } else { period }) as u16;
20 => {
if param < 8 {
chan.vibrato_type = param as u8;
22 => {
if param == 0 {
chan.pl_row = playback.row as u8;
if (chan.pl_row as isize) < playback.row && playback.break_pattern < 0 {
if playback.pl_count < 0 {
playback.pl_count = param;
playback.pl_channel = chan.id as isize;
if playback.pl_channel == chan.id as isize {
if playback.pl_count == 0 {
chan.pl_row = (playback.row + 1) as u8;
} else {
playback.next_row = chan.pl_row as isize;
playback.pl_count -= 1;
23 => {
if param < 8 {
chan.tremolo_type = param as u8;
26 => {
volume = chan.volume as isize + param;
chan.volume = (if volume > 64 { 64 } else { volume }) as u8;
27 => {
volume = chan.volume as isize - param;
chan.volume = (if volume < 0 { 0 } else { volume }) as u8;
28 => {
if param <= 0 {
chan.volume = 0;
30 => {
playback.tick = playback.speed + playback.speed * param;
_ => {}
update_frequency(chan, sample_rate, &mut playback.gain, &mut playback.c2_rate);
fn channel_tick(
chan: &mut Channel,
sample_rate: isize,
gain: &mut isize,
c2_rate: &mut isize,
random_seed: &mut isize,
instruments: &[Instrument],
) {
let period;
let effect = chan.note.effect as isize;
let param = chan.note.param as isize;
let fresh3 = &mut chan.fx_count;
*fresh3 = (*fresh3).wrapping_add(1);
match effect {
1 => {
period = chan.period as isize - param;
chan.period = (if period < 0 { 0 } else { period }) as u16;
2 => {
period = chan.period as isize + param;
chan.period = (if period > 65535 { 65535 } else { period }) as u16;
3 => {
4 => {
let fresh4 = &mut chan.vibrato_phase;
*fresh4 = (*fresh4 as i32 + chan.vibrato_speed as i32) as u8;
vibrato(chan, random_seed);
5 => {
volume_slide(chan, param);
6 => {
let fresh5 = &mut chan.vibrato_phase;
*fresh5 = (*fresh5 as i32 + chan.vibrato_speed as i32) as u8;
vibrato(chan, random_seed);
volume_slide(chan, param);
7 => {
let fresh6 = &mut chan.tremolo_phase;
*fresh6 = (*fresh6 as i32 + chan.tremolo_speed as i32) as u8;
tremolo(chan, random_seed);
10 => {
volume_slide(chan, param);
14 => {
if chan.fx_count as i32 > 2 {
chan.fx_count = 0;
if chan.fx_count as i32 == 0 {
chan.arpeggio_add = 0;
if chan.fx_count as i32 == 1 {
chan.arpeggio_add = (param >> 4) as i8;
if chan.fx_count as i32 == 2 {
chan.arpeggio_add = (param & 0xf) as i8;
25 => {
if chan.fx_count as isize >= param {
chan.fx_count = 0;
chan.sample_idx = 0;
28 => {
if param == chan.fx_count as isize {
chan.volume = 0;
29 => {
if param == chan.fx_count as isize {
trigger(chan, instruments);
_ => {}
if effect > 0 {
update_frequency(chan, sample_rate, gain, c2_rate);
fn sequence_row(state: &mut MmC2r) -> bool {
let mut song_end = false;
let mut chan_idx;
let mut pat_offset;
let mut effect;
let mut param;
let mut note;
if state.playback.next_row < 0 {
state.playback.break_pattern = state.playback.pattern + 1;
state.playback.next_row = 0;
if state.playback.break_pattern >= 0 {
if state.playback.break_pattern >= state.src.song_length {
state.playback.next_row = 0;
state.playback.break_pattern = state.playback.next_row;
if state.playback.break_pattern <= state.playback.pattern {
song_end = true;
state.playback.pattern = state.playback.break_pattern;
chan_idx = 0;
while chan_idx < state.src.num_channels {
state.channels[chan_idx as usize].pl_row = 0;
chan_idx += 1;
state.playback.break_pattern = -1;
state.playback.row = state.playback.next_row;
state.playback.next_row = state.playback.row + 1;
if state.playback.next_row >= 64 {
state.playback.next_row = -1;
pat_offset = ((state.src.sequence[state.playback.pattern as usize] as i32 * 64) as isize
+ state.playback.row)
* state.src.num_channels
* 4;
chan_idx = 0;
while chan_idx < state.src.num_channels {
note = &mut (state.channels[chan_idx as usize]).note;
let pattern_data = state.src.pattern_data;
note.key = ((pattern_data[pat_offset as usize] as i32 & 0xf_i32) << 8) as u16;
let fresh7 = &mut note.key;
*fresh7 = (*fresh7 as i32 | pattern_data[(pat_offset + 1) as usize] as i32) as u16;
note.instrument = (pattern_data[(pat_offset + 2) as usize] as i32 >> 4) as u8;
let fresh8 = &mut note.instrument;
*fresh8 = (*fresh8 as i32 | pattern_data[pat_offset as usize] as i32 & 0x10_i32) as u8;
effect = (pattern_data[(pat_offset + 2) as usize] as i32 & 0xf_i32) as isize;
param = pattern_data[(pat_offset + 3) as usize] as isize;
pat_offset += 4;
if effect == 0xe {
effect = 0x10 | param >> 4;
param &= 0xf;
if effect == 0 && param > 0 {
effect = 0xe;
note.effect = effect as u8;
note.param = param as u8;
&mut state.channels[chan_idx as usize],
&mut state.playback,
chan_idx += 1;
fn sequence_tick(state: &mut MmC2r) -> bool {
let mut song_end = false;
let mut chan_idx;
state.playback.tick -= 1;
if state.playback.tick <= 0 {
state.playback.tick = state.playback.speed;
song_end = sequence_row(state);
} else {
chan_idx = 0;
while chan_idx < state.src.num_channels {
&mut state.channels[chan_idx as usize],
&mut state.playback.gain,
&mut state.playback.c2_rate,
&mut state.playback.random_seed,
chan_idx += 1;
fn resample(
chan: &mut Channel,
buf: &mut [i16],
offset: isize,
count: isize,
instruments: &[Instrument],
) {
let mut epos;
let mut buf_idx: usize = (offset << 1) as usize;
let buf_end: usize = ((offset + count) << 1) as usize;
let mut sidx: usize = chan.sample_idx;
let step: usize = chan.step;
let llen: usize = instruments[chan.instrument as usize].loop_length;
let lep1: usize = (instruments[chan.instrument as usize].loop_start).wrapping_add(llen);
let sdat = instruments[chan.instrument as usize].sample_data;
let mut ampl: i16 = (if chan.mute == 0 { chan.ampl as i32 } else { 0 }) as i16;
let lamp: i16 = ((ampl as i32 * (127_i32 - chan.panning as i32)) >> 5) as i16;
let ramp: i16 = ((ampl as i32 * chan.panning as i32) >> 5) as i16;
while buf_idx < buf_end {
if sidx >= lep1 {
if llen <= 16384 {
sidx = lep1;
} else {
while sidx >= lep1 {
sidx = sidx.wrapping_sub(llen);
epos = sidx.wrapping_add((buf_end.wrapping_sub(buf_idx) >> 1).wrapping_mul(step));
if lamp as i32 != 0 || ramp as i32 != 0 {
if epos > lep1 {
epos = lep1;
if lamp as i32 != 0 && ramp as i32 != 0 {
while sidx < epos {
ampl = sdat[(sidx >> 14) as usize] as i16;
let fresh9 = buf_idx;
buf_idx = buf_idx.wrapping_add(1);
let fresh10 = &mut (buf[fresh9 as usize]);
*fresh10 = (*fresh10 as i32 + ((ampl as i32 * lamp as i32) >> 2)) as i16;
let fresh11 = buf_idx;
buf_idx = buf_idx.wrapping_add(1);
let fresh12 = &mut (buf[fresh11 as usize]);
*fresh12 = (*fresh12 as i32 + ((ampl as i32 * ramp as i32) >> 2)) as i16;
sidx = sidx.wrapping_add(step);
} else {
if ramp != 0 {
buf_idx = buf_idx.wrapping_add(1);
while sidx < epos {
let fresh13 = &mut (buf[buf_idx as usize]);
*fresh13 = (*fresh13 as i32 + sdat[(sidx >> 14) as usize] as i32 * ampl as i32) as i16;
buf_idx = buf_idx.wrapping_add(2);
sidx = sidx.wrapping_add(step);
buf_idx &= -2_i32 as usize;
} else {
buf_idx = buf_end;
sidx = epos;
chan.sample_idx = sidx;
/// Get a nice version string. I guess.
pub fn version() -> &'static str {
/// An error that can happen when trying to initialize micromod
pub enum InitError {
/// Number of channels is incorrect
/// Sampling rate is incorrect (below 8khz?)
impl MmC2r<'_> {
/// Create a new micromod decoder apparatus.
pub fn new(data: &[u8], sample_rate: isize) -> Result<MmC2r, InitError> {
let num_channels = match calculate_num_channels(bytemuck::cast_slice(data)) {
Some(num_channels) => num_channels,
None => return Err(InitError::ChannelNumIncorrect),
if sample_rate < 8000 {
return Err(InitError::SamplingRateIncorrect);
let song_length = (data[950] as i32 & 0x7f_i32) as isize;
let sequence = &data[952..];
let pattern_data = &data[1084..];
let mut state = MmC2r {
channels: Default::default(),
src: ModSrc {
instruments: Vec::new(),
module_data: bytemuck::cast_slice(data),
num_patterns: Default::default(),
playback: PlaybackState::default(),
state.src.num_patterns = calculate_num_patterns(state.src.module_data);
let mut sample_data_offset = 1084 + state.src.num_patterns * 64 * state.src.num_channels * 4;
let mut inst_idx = 1;
// First instrument is an unused dummy instrument
while inst_idx < 32 {
let sample_length = unsigned_short_big_endian(state.src.module_data, inst_idx * 30 + 12) * 2;
let fine_tune =
(state.src.module_data[(inst_idx * 30 + 14) as usize] as i32 & 0xf_i32) as isize;
let fine_tune = ((fine_tune & 0x7) - (fine_tune & 0x8) + 8) as u8;
let volume =
(state.src.module_data[(inst_idx * 30 + 15) as usize] as i32 & 0x7f_i32) as isize;
let volume = (if volume > 64 { 64 } else { volume }) as u8;
let mut loop_start = unsigned_short_big_endian(state.src.module_data, inst_idx * 30 + 16) * 2;
let mut loop_length =
unsigned_short_big_endian(state.src.module_data, inst_idx * 30 + 18) * 2;
if loop_start + loop_length > sample_length {
if loop_start / 2 + loop_length <= sample_length {
loop_start /= 2;
} else {
loop_length = sample_length - loop_start;
if loop_length < 4 {
loop_start = sample_length;
loop_length = 0;
let loop_start = (loop_start << 14) as usize;
let loop_length = (loop_length << 14) as usize;
let sample_data = &bytemuck::cast_slice::<u8, i8>(data)[sample_data_offset as usize..];
sample_data_offset += sample_length;
inst_idx += 1;
state.src.instruments.push(Instrument {
state.playback.c2_rate = (if state.src.num_channels > 4 {
} else {
}) as isize;
state.playback.gain = (if state.src.num_channels > 4 { 32 } else { 64 }) as isize;
micromod_set_position(0, &mut state);
/// Fill a buffer with delicious samples
pub fn get_audio(&mut self, output_buffer: &mut [i16], mut count: isize) -> bool {
let mut offset;
let mut remain;
let mut chan_idx;
if self.src.num_channels <= 0 {
return false;
offset = 0;
let mut cnt = true;
while count > 0 {
remain = self.playback.tick_len - self.playback.tick_offset;
if remain > count {
remain = count;
chan_idx = 0;
while chan_idx < self.src.num_channels {
&mut self.channels[chan_idx as usize],
chan_idx += 1;
self.playback.tick_offset += remain;
if self.playback.tick_offset == self.playback.tick_len {
if sequence_tick(self) {
cnt = false;
self.playback.tick_offset = 0;
offset += remain;
count -= remain;
/// Calculate the length of the module file... In samples. Presumably.
pub fn calculate_mod_file_len(&self) -> Option<isize> {
let module_header = self.src.module_data;
let mut length;
let mut inst_idx;
let numchan = calculate_num_channels(module_header)?;
length = 1084 + 4 * numchan * 64 * calculate_num_patterns(module_header);
inst_idx = 1;
while inst_idx < 32 {
length += unsigned_short_big_endian(module_header, inst_idx * 30 + 12) * 2;
inst_idx += 1;
/// Calculate the song duration... Okay.
pub fn calculate_song_duration(&mut self) -> isize {
let mut duration;
duration = 0;
if self.src.num_channels > 0 {
micromod_set_position(0, self);
let mut song_end = false;
while !song_end {
duration += self.playback.tick_len;
song_end = sequence_tick(self);
micromod_set_position(0, self);
/// Mute a channel.
pub fn mute_channel(&mut self, channel: isize) -> isize {
let mut chan_idx;
if channel < 0 {
chan_idx = 0;
while chan_idx < self.src.num_channels {
self.channels[chan_idx as usize].mute = 0;
chan_idx += 1;
} else if channel < self.src.num_channels {
self.channels[channel as usize].mute = 1;
/// Set some gainz.
pub fn set_gain(&mut self, value: isize) {
self.playback.gain = value;
fn micromod_set_position(mut pos: isize, state: &mut MmC2r) {
let mut chan_idx;
let mut chan;
if state.src.num_channels <= 0 {
if pos >= state.src.song_length {
pos = 0;
state.playback.break_pattern = pos;
state.playback.next_row = 0;
state.playback.tick = 1;
state.playback.speed = 6;
set_tempo(125, &mut state.playback.tick_len, state.sample_rate);
state.playback.pl_channel = -1;
state.playback.pl_count = state.playback.pl_channel;
state.playback.random_seed = 0xabcdef;
chan_idx = 0;
while chan_idx < state.src.num_channels {
chan = &mut state.channels[chan_idx as usize];
chan.id = chan_idx as u8;
let fresh15 = &mut chan.assigned;
*fresh15 = 0;
chan.instrument = *fresh15;
chan.volume = 0;
match chan_idx & 0x3 {
0 | 3 => {
chan.panning = 0;
1 | 2 => {
chan.panning = 127;
_ => {}
chan_idx += 1;
state.playback.tick_offset = 0;